How to use and apply Face Moisturizer for dry skin

The Issue

Your skin is your biggest organ - a wonderfully crafted, self-regenerating, living organism. So, how do we care for it properly when it is dry or oily?

Moisturizing is of the utmost importance. Neglecting to include this vital step in your daily routine puts your skin in danger of becoming extremely dehydrated. The result? Premature aging, and believe it or not, nasty breakouts as well. if you thought that oily skin was a result of excessive moisture, then you thought wrong. Your skin needs quenching just as much as anybody else's.

Men's skin is generally thicker, coarser and more oilier, and with the added irritation of daily shaving or beard maintenance to contend with, moisturizers are much more than just a clever marketing ploy.

The Solution

The simple solution is to moisturize - but making sure you're moisturizing correctly.

A dime-sized amount will do the trick, but apply bit by bit to forehead, nose, cheeks and chin, so as not to overload in any particular order, which could cause greasiness.Try and moisturize twice a day after washing your face. Washing before-hand removes impurities and allows you to apply the moisturizer onto a blank canvas.

why use a face moisturizer

The Product

Cremo Face Moisturizer is a light, healing and quick-absorbing moisturizer. Our triple-A complex formula immediately and dramatically heals and soothes skin, while protecting it from the environments of day-to-day life.

For a full look at Cremo's Astonishingly Superior products, visit